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Fox girl krystal fucks poor guy - femdom furry porn Fox hit the ground with a grunt. Though he’d landed on his discarded flightsuit, it did little to cushion such a fearsome fall. He was about to sit up when his attacker pounced on him. Two hands pinned his arms just above his head, and try as he might, his adversary was deceptively strong. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this to you, McCloud.” Teeth sank into his neck and he let out a yelp. They did not draw blood, but neither were they gentle, and a mark would surely be visible for days to come. His body tensed but did not move. Slowly, the pressure relented and what started as an attack quickly became a loving lick. His attacker nursed the wound and traced the ring of teeth with kisses. Soon, Fox was shuddering and leaning into the wet kisses and suckles ranging all around his neck. “What exactly did you have in mind, Krystal?” he asked in a low murr. Claws racked down his bare chest, carving lines through his fur and tantalizing the sensitive skin beneath. “There’s a tradition among my people that puts uppity males like you in their place,” said the vixen, her hot breath rolling over Fox’s face. “All the more fitting I do it under the light of a bosna flower.” Fox’s eyes flicked for but a moment to the massive flora looming over them. Like most things on Sauria, it was as beautiful as it was menacing, and the stamen of this particular flower flowed with an eerie blue light. Krystal had mentioned that such flowers grew on Cerinia and had certain telepathic qualities, but that was a few moments ago when he still had clothes on. “Uh, Krystal?” asked the man when she grabbed him by the ankles. Without warning, Krystal hoisted them up into the air. Fox did not resist but he was starting to lose confidence in this idea of hers. “I’ve never done this with someone before,” said Krystal, eying the man’s throbbing manhood that now pointed into the air. “But I’m going to enjoy taming this cock.” Krystal lowered herself down, finding her mark in one go. He penetrated her with ease, as she was already sopping wet with excitement. Fox let out a gasp when she took him halfway. He had no idea what this position was called, but the sheer emasculation of having his feet in the air while Krystal rode him was enticing. She was always a curious and experimental girl, that much was proven from the moment they started dating and Fox woke up dehydrated, but this was something different. “What… what did you call… this again?” he struggled to ask, as moans and foxy yips escaped him. “This is the Amazon position, Fox. It’s what warriors like me do to men who need to be shown their place!” Krystal growled, driving herself down even further with every rock until she had reached his base. Fox’s fur bristled at her challenge, but there was hardly anything he could do in such a compromising position. “Need I remind you of all the pictures I have of you-“ His retort was cut short when Krystal’s hips slapped against his and she ground into him, squeezing him with her walls. He forgot his impudence and found himself relishing in it. “Oh! Oh gods!” Krystal whimpered, her hips bucking erratically to further grind her mate into her folds. Through a half-lidded gaze, Fox saw Krystal’s eyes spasm and felt her womanhood constrict around him. It had been a few days since last they were together in such an intimate manner, and the feeling of Krystal milking him was too much. Fox let out a groan and though he tried to resist, Krystal took everything from him. Rope after rope filled her as she rocked back and forth on his cock, savoring the feeling of being filled so completely. “Sorry, that got a little intense there,” she said, beaming at him. Fox agreed. “I’ll say. Could you let me up now? My legs are starting to fall asleep.” “Of course, darling,” said Krystal, slowly easing herself off of his still hard manhood. Fox flinched as he was rather sensitive after such a brutal and intensive session. Cum leaked out of Krystal and ran down his length but just before he fell out of her, she stopped. Fox looked up and wondered if she had seen a ghost. Here eyes had gone wide and her muzzle hung open agape. Slowly, she spread his legs apart again and it dawned on him. “K-Krystal! No, wait!” Again she took his entire length, squeezing him for all his worth. Fox let out a howl and thrashed about under such torture, but the vixen had control of him. Over and over she rode him, transfixed on satisfying herself. Fox felt as if his soul was being wrenched from his body. The worst was when her womanhood convulsed around him and he nearly feinted at the feeling of being dry milked. “K-Krys…” Fox wheezed out as he felt himself nearing another orgasm. …”Fox’s transponder is coming from right over there,” said Falco, observing his hand held radar. “Do you hear that? It sounds like screaming!” Falco drew his blaster. “Come on, Miyu.” The bird and cat ran into the forest. Fox’s location wasn’t far and the closer they got, the more Miyu’s ears flicked. “They’re just through here. I can hear Fox and Krystal but no one else,” said Miyu, raising her blaster. “Time to blast some dinos!” said Falco, breaking through the bushes with his blaster charged. Yet what he saw wasn’t an ambush, but it was no less terrifying. Falco stood utterly dumbfounded while Miyu couldn’t stop blushing. Fox looked as if he was half dead and trying to escape while Krystal rode atop of him. She had one arm and one leg gripped tight so he couldn’t escape, but Fox didn’t even have the strength left to stand. “Uh… Peppy?” said Falco into his communicator. “We found them.”
anon747 07.07.2021 at 19:55
Fox girl fucks poor guy - femdom furry porn, 1920x1080, 1 m 28 s, 20.3MB, webm
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